Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Stranger Danger

This morning I was driving the girls to my parents house (where they spend their summers swimming, singing karaoke, and eating fluffernutters) and Maddie asked me if I remembered a video that I had showed her.  I wasn't sure which video she was referring to and assumed it was the one that we watched last night about teaching your kids to ride a bike (more on that topic later).  It was not.  She said it was a video about a little girl in a toy store.  I finally realized that she was referring to a surveillance video that was on the news probably about a year ago of a little girl in Walmart in the toy section.  A man ran up and grabbed the little girl and started to run away with her.  The little girl scratched, kicked, and screamed until the man finally just let her go. I wasn't sure why she was thinking about this but I figured this was a good time to review the rules about strangers.  I explained that you should never talk to strangers without Mommy or Daddy there.  One of my big concerns with Maddie is her love of animals. I told her that she should never go with anyone even if they are asking her if she'd like to see their puppy or help them find an animal.  I finished up with a big speech about how if anyone ever grabbed them they should kick and scream and NEVER let anyone put you into a car.

Maddie didn't hesitate and responded with "Oh don't worry - I have LOTS of ideas about what to do.  I'm kinda excited about it actually".  So strangers - you've been warned!

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