Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Baby Boot Camp - Day 1

It’s been years since I have had a good nights sleep and I need to fix this. For a long time it was Catherine that was waking up at night. “Can I go potty?” “I had a bad dream” “I need some water” and my all time favorite “my hair is hot”. The list goes on and on. I think we’ve turned the corner with Catherine and most nights she sleeps great. Maddie is another story. Of course as an infant we didn’t mind getting up. She was actually a pretty good sleeper when she was about 6 months old. She would sleep through the night occasionally – which was just enough for me to recharge.

But now she is 21 months old and this has to end. On Saturday night Bill & I were watching TV and I looked at the clock – 10:15pm. I flew up off of the couch “I have to go to bed!! She will be up any time now!!” She is still waking up every night and sometimes more than once. I have read several books on the subject and searched the internet endlessly for the answer. I haven’t found one yet. Separation anxiety? Nope, that’s not it. Cry it out? Tried it – she has got nothing better to do than cry all night. She knows she will take a nap later (meanwhile I am at work and can’t keep my eyes open). I have changed her bedding and night light. Her mattress pad is much more comfortable than the old one I sleep on.

She used to wake up and want something to drink so I’d give her water or milk and she’d fall right back to sleep. That doesn’t seem to be doing the trick anymore. When I go to get her out of her crib in the morning she is passed out in between several empty bottles. She looks like a drunken baby.

So I have enrolled Maddie into my Baby Boot Camp. I got four hours of sleep last night (not consecutively). How is my recruit doing? Ugh. Stay tuned…..