Note: I will not continue with Baby Bootcamp postings. She still doesn't sleep. It didn't work. Let's move on, shall we?
Well, the summer is over. My work schedule has changed again and I'm back to 5 days a week. No more "Girl Day". Catherine started Kindergarten and she is doing really well. Maddie is now attending day care two days a week. Bill is working on a 10 week contract job. We have become a very busy household! Once again, I am struggling with getting everything done. Outfits, lunches, baths, dinners, homework (yes, Kindergartners have homework), P.T.O meetings!! All of this with 2+ hour commutes to work a day. The first week was a nightmare. I was not used to getting clothes and lunches ready for Catherine every night. I was also not used to what the highway is like once school starts again. During the first week I was getting home around 6pm and we had nothing planned for dinner. We ate a lot of takeout that week.
I swore that I would be better prepared the second week . I had planned a menu for the week (even a crockpot meal for Thursday - which is a particularly busy day). I scrubbed the house over the weekend and washed every piece of laundry in the house (and put it all away). Let the week begin! The meals were perfect. I prepped some of them in the evening after I made lunches for the next day. The outfits were ironed and laid out. I attended a P.T.O meeting AND a kindergarten orientation in the same week. I had done it. I was supermom, y'all! I decided that Bill & I would celebrate how successful the week went with a soak in the hot tub on Friday. I went outside to turn it on and What.The.Hell! There was a horrible smell in the yard. That is when it occurred to me that I forgot to the clean up after the dog for an entire week!! We had been too busy to be in the yard at night so it completely slipped my mind. I had 421 poop piles to clean up that night. So much for supermom. I'll try again for week three.