The poor economy has finally hit our household. Bill lost his job a couple of weeks ago. It has been a very stressful time for our family while he tries to find another job. I was feeling a little down yesterday as I pulled into our driveway after work. I walked into the house and …what the HECK??!! My kitchen was sparkling clean and dinner was being prepared. Bill made beef stir fry for dinner and even cut the zucchini up in fancy sticks (rather than the "rustic" chunks I usually make).
After I enjoyed my dinner I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. The bathroom floor was immaculate. He managed to get the grout lines cleaner than I ever could. After my shower I told Bill that I was going to do some laundry. “I already did it and I cleaned the refrigerator too. Man, that needed it!” he said. Hold up – he managed to clean the kitchen, make dinner, clean the grout in the bathroom, AND take care of two small children? Look, I know when to wave my white flag. I am totally fine with bringing home the bacon and having hubby take care of the kids and house while I’m gone. Is it wrong to say that I might even really enjoy that?
I started to make a mental list of things that could be done the next day. I have some dry cleaning that needs to be dropped off and I would love the have the linen closet cleaned and organized. Oh, and what should he make for dinner? You can imagine my disappointment when he said that he has some work lined up for today. The linen closet may have to wait another day. That’s okay because there will be more laundry by then too.